Saturday, August 22, 2009

Jail Suicide / Mental Health Update Newsletter

From the Newsletter:
The Tragic and Preventable Death of David Thomas:

David Thomas1 was born into a life of turmoil and discord in
Atlanta, Georgia on November 3, 1987. His mother, Anne,
gave birth to her son at age 18 after many years of institutionalization
for incorrigibility and mental illness. She was reportedly raped at
age 13 in one of many institutional placements. David’s father left
the family early on in his life, but not before sexually and physically
abusing both he and his younger sister. Anne Thomas was in and
out of her son’s life for much of the early years, debilitated by both
substance abuse and mental illness. As a troubled young adult,
she was self-described as an irresponsible parent. During this
time, David was cared for by his grandmother, Barbara Mitchell,
herself a victim of childhood sexual abuse. Ms. Mitchell tried to
become a stabilizing factor in his life. However, as a result of his
unsettled and dysfunctional early years, David experienced
learning difficulties at school that were associated with delinquent
behavior. (Click on the newsletter to read the rest)

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